June 9, 2008

1988 - 2008

Congratulations to radio host extraordinarie Steve Palec who celebrated the 20th anniversary of his stellar program Rock and Roll Roots this past Sunday. Roots plays every Sunday on WKLH in Milwaukee.

Promise I won't get weepy here, but Roots has meant alot to me over the years and really helped me ease into / out of a week on Sunday mornings.

In a world where there is a lot wrong with modern day radio, Steve P. has held strong and consistently offered a wealth of knowledge and prime selections from his extensive audio library with his weekly revolving portraits of artists and themes. The show just seems to always be what I need on a Sunday morning.

Congrats Steve - here's to twenty more years.

Download: Ernie Smith - Sunday Morning Going Up
Download: The Harptones - Sunday Kind of Love
The Velvet Undergroud + Nico - Sunday Morning

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