January 29, 2008

"what's wrong with the ramones?"

to be honest, i'm not that familiar with dead meadow, whose fifth album, old growth, will be in stores next week, but apparently the mcnulty boys are...in this week's episode of the wire, deadbeat dad & all around mess, jimmy mcnulty, takes a few minutes out of his daily routine to drop in on his kids & bash their music..."it's dead meadow dad, geez"...hilarious...anyway, it turns out the group was featured on the show last season as well, & that lead singer & guitarist jason simon is actually the wire creator david simon's nephew...all that aside, i'm glad they got a little more prominent placement this time around, otherwise i might have missed out on the crunchy psych-rock that they play so well.

download: dead meadow - what needs must be


Anonymous said...

Simon's nephew has got to be the one on the right, right?

Anonymous said...

try the guy in the middle..

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Anonymous said...




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