September 20, 2009


well, it looks like this thing has run it's course...thanks to everyone who's visited over the past few's been fun, but so long for now. -dc & dg.


boyhowdy said...

A sad note to find on the feedreader, but I suppose for every thing there is a season. Thanks for the tunes and text; you'll be missed...

leilani.e said...

I miss the canary already.

Chris said...

Thanks for sharing your blog with us. Good luck.

jesselun said...

Lame! Will miss you

Michael said...

Thanks for the blog. Happy trails!

April said...

Awwww, too bad. Thanks, though.

Scooter said...

I at least want this logo made into a t-shirt!

Unknown said...

Scooter, couldnt agree more. We need an RIP t-shirt created.

ducktrapper said...

The best to the both of you. It was a wonderful treat to stumble upon this blogspot. Peace!

james.basler said...

if you guys ever start anything else up like this (or different for that matter). maybe post a link here? thanks.

Anonymous said...

This stinks. You guys turned me on to Langhorne Slim and for that I am forever grateful. Thanks for the funky tunes and tremendous ear toward music. You'll definitely be missed my friends...see you at the shows.

Unknown said...

I'm late to the goodbye party but sorry to see you go. Thanks for the insights.

nicole said...

One more xmas mix for the road? Pretty please?

Maya said...

I was just thinking the same thing Nicole! I actually came here just now wondering if they'd posted the mix yet. They always had the best Christmas music... hmph.

andrea said...

noooooooooooo! don't go! or ....... come back! we need you! at least give us a reason why? what's going on?

and yes, we need t-shirts. love the bird upside down......... can't we just pretend he's doing a dog trick like lying on his back?


Me2.0 said...

everyone around the house loves your holiday mixes so much - you've become part of our christmas traditions.

soooo sad there will not be another mix :(

peace to both of you and thanks for the many wonderful tunes.

cheers - john & Family

Freedman said...

Oh, how sad. Your Xmasmixes definitely ruled. Thanks to you I discovered Sufjan Stevens' Christmas Collection. Why do all good things come to an end?

Anonymous said...

Rats! Thanks for all your great work, I enjoyed what you had to offer.

Anonymous said...

lets get back to it

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